When it comes to promoting his films, superstar Shah Rukh Khan leaves no stones unturned. So, with his ambitious home production ‘Ra.One’, one can but naturally expect him to go a step further for publicity. These days, industry is abuzz with SRK’s new promotional gimmick. Khan is working on a tie up with the Formula One World Championship during the Grand Prix that will take place in Greater Noida on October 30.
SRK wants the participating cars to sport ‘Ra.One’ logos and he has also requested Michael Schumacher to drive his car with the title Ra.One emblazoned across it. So, if things work out as planned, we may get to see Schumacher drive a car in the Grand Prix which displays ‘Ra.One’ title.
SRK wants the participating cars to sport ‘Ra.One’ logos and he has also requested Michael Schumacher to drive his car with the title Ra.One emblazoned across it. So, if things work out as planned, we may get to see Schumacher drive a car in the Grand Prix which displays ‘Ra.One’ title.
This news very hot................ TX 2u
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