Abhay Deol is doing his first item number for director Navdeep Singh’s zom com titled ‘Shaadi of the Dead’ which deals with Punjabi-meets-zombie wedding. Revealing on the movie, Abhay says, “You’re going to fall off your seat laughing. We have a two-month schedule in Rajasthan coming up and the jokes have started. Don’t leave your brains behind when you go to see the film because the zombies eat brains. Tandoori bheja fry is the main dish at this wedding.”
Akshay denies that he had shot his first item number for Sudhir Mishra’s Tera Kya Hoga Johnny. The song, he clarifies, ‘Sheher Ki Rani’, was a special appearance he had done for friend Soha Ali Khan. “I meet Soha at a club, we dance. I go to get a drink, when I return she’s gone. How can that be an item song?” he retorts.
Akshay denies that he had shot his first item number for Sudhir Mishra’s Tera Kya Hoga Johnny. The song, he clarifies, ‘Sheher Ki Rani’, was a special appearance he had done for friend Soha Ali Khan. “I meet Soha at a club, we dance. I go to get a drink, when I return she’s gone. How can that be an item song?” he retorts.
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