Now a days many peoples are using the Mobile
Phones.But most of them are using External Memory
Chip (Memory card like MMC,microsd,e.t.c) since
phone memory is not enough for them.Most of the
Mobile Phones have a option to set a Password in
memory chip for peoples Security and Privacy
purpose.But the common mistake happening among
them are forgetting their password for at least one
time.If you would like to set password on your memory
card,i would recommend please don’t do it because if
you forgotten your password you may encounter many
strange problems.But don’t worry if you forgotten
your password since Mistakes are a part of being
Human.Here i will give you the tutorial to Recover
Memory Card password using simple method,just follow
the steps given below:
1.First download and install x-plore,if you don’t have
x-Plore just Google it.
2.Now open the X-Plore and press Zero(0) then check
you have marked the “Show the System Files”.
3.After you done the above step now go to the
4.If you found the above path then press the option
“3″ to set the Hex-Viewer.
5.Now look the third column you can see the code like
! TMSD02G (c??�?x???3?3?3?3?3) .Now see the
characters between ‘?’ because it is your password
6.You mayn’t able to access the path
file:///C:/Sys/Data/Mmcstore if you don’t set the
password for the memory card.
X-plore (java)
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