It was sad for Pankaj Kapur’s eagerly awaited directorial debut ‘Mausam’ to be ousted from the Toronto film festival line-up, a day before it was to premiere, for the sheer reason that the film failed to get regulatory approvals in India in time. As such, three screenings on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in Toronto as well as a press conference with world media had to be cancelled at the last minute on Tuesday. Even the release of the film in India may get delayed due to objections by the Indian Air Force on some scenes.
“We ran into a delay getting approvals from the Indian Air Force and the Board of Film Certification in India,” producer Sheetal Talwar said.
The film deals with the story of an Indian Air Force pilot from the Punjab (played by Shahid Kapoor) who is in love with a woman from Kashmir (Sonam Kapoor).
“We ran into a delay getting approvals from the Indian Air Force and the Board of Film Certification in India,” producer Sheetal Talwar said.
The film deals with the story of an Indian Air Force pilot from the Punjab (played by Shahid Kapoor) who is in love with a woman from Kashmir (Sonam Kapoor).
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