Sunday, 11 September 2011

Amazing Long Exposure Photographs

Have you ever taken a picture of a friend in low light that moves unexpectedly? What's happening? You may lose patience, because they become a blur of color as they went across the field of vision. This is because the camera exposure is too long. It can be frustrating, but the artist David Gilliver used the fact in their favor.

Gilliver, a financial worker by day and a long exposure night assistant, lives in Guernsey, the perfect place to make such striking images. The island experiences relatively little light pollution that makes his pictures so much more fascinating. The uses of 31, light sabers, glow sticks, torches and son of color to create psychedelic scenes.
 using a long shutter of his camera, Gilliver can insert images appear sharper, while the moving images look blurry. This technique is also used by Michael Light Graffiti Bosanko. The results are truly amazing.


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